
During COVID-19 and lockdown, I registered my home office setup. This was a really interesting assignment, as it forced me to look further into how I use my surroundings and how my surroundings affect my workflow. At the time, I was living in a small apartment with my dog, and I quickly found out through mapping my movements that I moved around a lot during my workday.

I had a designated workstation, but I also enjoyed lounging in the couch while working, or using my dining table that had a view by the window. I used a classic unfolded floor plan with only two lineweights to investigate, and I also created a floor plan from photos.

The results are very different, but the photos show a side of my apartment that a line drawing would not let me - colours. I generally enjoy using different media to present a project, and I strive to try a new technique in each project that I make to improve my skill set.